Ihr möchtet eure Freie Trauung mit einer rechtskräftig Zeremonie (Standesamtliche Trauung) in den USA verbinden!
Als Ordained Minister und Inhaberin der amerikanischen Staatsbürgerschaft können wir eure Trauung nicht mehr nur als Freie Trauung gestalten, sondern auch den rechtlichen Hintergrund mit einbinden.
Aktuell wird der Service für den Bundesstaat Florida angeboten.
Weitere Staaten auf Anfrage!
You would like to combine your free wedding with a legally binding ceremony (civil wedding) in the USA!
As an ordained minister and holder of American citizenship, we can no longer only organize your wedding as a free wedding, but also include the legal background.
The service is currently offered for the state of Florida. Other states on request!
Make your wedding day special
Through my work as a wedding planner, I have had the privilege of co-creating numerous wedding ceremonies over the past years.
The desire to personally carry out the "heart" of a wedding grew stronger with each experience.
In 2017 I decided to complete further training as a freelance speaker. Since then I have also been working as a freelance speaker at weddings, adding a unique and personal touch to each celebration.
The wedding ceremony is a profoundly personal and individualised event, meticulously tailored and planned in advance with the couples, to align with their most personal wishes.
I am often asked if there are templates that can be used. My answer is a clear NO! After all, every wedding couple has their own story that they want to be told.
Real Wedding and Ceremonies with Sarah K.